Football season is upon us. Central Football has partnered with the AG department to create the Raider Football shield! We have shields and CR logos to choose from! We are looking to take orders while supplies last! $100.00, cash or check (checks made out to USD462) email coach Lampert @ tlampert@usd462.org to put your order in!

It's fair time in Raider Nation!! We want to wish our 4H students and families a safe and wonderful fair. We know you've worked so hard and hope you enjoy the next few days. See the full fair schedule to come put and support!

The first annual summer Lift a Thon is ending tomorrow 8/3. We will present the prize packages to the top boy and girl earner Friday before the 5 base games. Lifters get your forms in and totaled with coach so you can have a chance to earn the top prize package!

Central Elementary- Hope you can join us for our Back to School Night!

Central Jr/Sr High School is excited to have Mrs. Webb join our teaching team!

All Raider Parents/Guardians - Please check your email for an important message from Mrs. Henning about the enrollment process. We are noticing that a lot of our families do not have all information updated in the student contact portion of the student enrollment form which will effect transportation, emails, school reach messages, and mailings. Mrs. Henning created and emailed a short 3 minute video below to show you how to double check that as soon as possible to ensure you have completed all parts of the contact information correctly. Please reach out if you have any questions, thank you!

Sport Physicals @ CJSHS - August 7th @ 5:30 pm

Come work with us!

Next week, is the last week of weights. The Raider Lift-A-Thon is happening next week Monday - Thursday and a 5-Base tournament will be on Friday.

Free Meals and School Supplies Provided!

Central Elementary- Join Us For Back to School Night!

We are looking for paraprofessionals! Please see flyer for more information!

FREE Meals for ALL USD 462 Students for the 2023-2024 School Year!

We are pleased to inform you that USD 462 will be participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) as part of the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs for the 2023-2024 school year. The GREAT NEWS is that ALL students enrolled at our school can receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at
NO CHARGE to your household each day. In place of the Free and Reduced Price Meal Application, we will need ALL households to fill out and sign the Household Information Report. This report is critical in determining the amount of money that our school receives from a variety of State and Federal supplemental programs like Title I, At-Risk (31a), Title II A, E-Rate, etc. Forms can be printed from here and returned to the office or will be available at enrollment. One form per family please. Thank you for completing so that we can continue to apply for this program in the future!

Previous years yearbooks will be for sale at a reduced price during enrollment at CJSHS on Tuesday, July 25th. You can also pre-order the 2023-24 yearbook.

Reminder......Registration for youth VB is due July 27 for incoming kids in grades 3-5. You can register online at winfieldrec.com (Please let Missy Atkins know if you register online and make a note on your registration that you would like placed on the Burden team.) or turn your forms into the high school office.
Any questions, email Missy Atkins matkins@usd462.org.

Back To School Enrollment Update - USD 462

Information for Band Camp for incoming 7th-12th graders!

Summer weights is entering its final two weeks for the summer. Next week is the last week for 6th grade students. 7-12 grade will max out 7/31-8/3. Lift-A-Thon forms will be handed out tomorrow 7/20 to all 7-12 grade lifters. A prize package will be presented to the top male and female earners!
Friday 8-4 we will have our end of summer kick ball game is from 7am-?? Anyone who attended summer weights is invited to come out and play!”

Kicking off the FFA school year, the 2023-2024 Senior officer team finished the Chapter POA for the upcoming school year. Then, made their way up to Wichita where they participated in golf activities at TopGolf and then ate at Buffalo Wild Wings for a officer retreat and some well spent team bonding. It was awesome having two of our last years retired Senior officers there to help with any questions the new team had, how to work effectively as a team and how to lead properly…and of course have fun!!