The HS SCBL VB tournament starts tomorrow, Thursday October 6. The girls will play at Caldwell at 6:00 pm against Cedar Vale/ Dexter and then will play Caldwell. If the girls win both matches, they will advance to Saturday at Dexter starting at 9:00 am.
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
This group of wonderful students represented Central in the SCBL Honor Choir Concert today in Dexter. Great job Raiders!!
over 2 years ago, Jillian Henning
honor choir students
honor choir
honor choir
honor choir
Central Jr/Sr High School parking lot is getting a much needed new coat of paint from this great group of students this morning!
over 2 years ago, Jillian Henning
painting parking lot
students painting
Great job at Eureka last night Central Raider Cross Country team!
over 2 years ago, Jillian Henning
cross country runners
cross country
jh cross country
ha cross country
The JH VB team played at home tonight against Flinthills and Cedar Vale Dexter. The B team went 1-1 on the night beating Flinthills but coming up short against CVD. The A team went 2-0. Great job girls!
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
The HS JV FB team traveled to Udall tonight. The boys came away with the win 42-6. Good job Raiders!
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
We have wanted to offer an after school program for some time now and we were finally awarded a grant to make that happen! This grant is in partnership with our Summer School Camp and we are excited to offer families this experience! We will have the opportunity to continue and grow our learning with hands-on experiences that include math, reading, writing, homework help, STEM, projects, gardening, and more! We are wrapping up the planning stage, but need parents to register so we can finalize groups and numbers. We hope to begin sometime in October. The program will run on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 4-5:15pm. Transportation home will be provided. Please use this link below to register your student(s). If you are unable to use the link- please call the elementary office to get signed up! 438-3195
over 2 years ago, Lindsay Littrell
Activities Going on This Week at Central!
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
The Central 4th grade volleyball team played at Winfield today. The girls came away with 2 wins against Wellington 1 and Wellington 3. Keep working hard Lady Raiders!
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
Lots of Raider Pride at the football game tonight.
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
Raiders come away with the 64-14 win tonight against Udall. The JV FB team is on the road at Udall at 6:00 pm on Monday. Good job tonight Raiders!
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
It’s Teacher Appreciation Night at tonight’s HS FB game! Thank you teachers and Go Raiders!
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
The Sophomores attended the production Rabbit Hole at Friends University today with Mrs. Ward for English class. Afterwards, they had a picnic in the park and played tag among other games. The students were inspired by Starbucks 'Wall of Kindness' and plan to bring it to our classroom. It was a great day to be a Raider!
over 2 years ago, Jillian Henning
sophomores at the park
sophomores at the park
sophomores  playing at the park
sophomores at starbucks
It was a great day for the Central Raider Cross Country team at the Winfield meet! Thank you to those who came to support our runners. Congrats to James Braun who placed 1st & Gunnar Parsons who placed 2nd, both with new personal records. All JH & HS students ran a great race!
over 2 years ago, Jillian Henning
Abbi running cross country
Central Raider cross country boys
Blake running
Jordan running
Great night of Raider Volleyball! JH girls walked away with a C team and A team win over the Spartans!
over 2 years ago, Lindsay Littrell
Central JH VB team traveled to Cedar Vale tonight. The A team defeated the Spartans in a close match. The girls will be back in action on Monday at home at 5 pm.
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
Central FFA members Chance, Wyatt, and Grant competed in the District Land Judging competition today. Congratulations to senior Grant Hervey for receiving 6th place in his division!
over 2 years ago, Jillian Henning
Central FFA members
senior receiving 6th place in land judging
Wyatt land judging
Central Juniors and Seniors had the opportunity to attend an ACT Prep Workshop today at Wellington High School presented by Chad Cargill. This workshop included practical hands-on instruction as well as what will be on the test and how to master the techniques. The students were able to soak up lots of information and feel better prepared to be successful on the upcoming ACT test.
over 2 years ago, Alisha Miller
The HS VB team played at Udall tonight. The JV went 1-1 losing to West Elk and then came back and beat Udall. The Varsity lost 2 hard fought matches to Udall and West Elk. The girls are back in action next Tuesday at Cedar Vale.
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
Email for more information or to place an order with an FFA member! Thank you for your support.
over 2 years ago, Jillian Henning
blue and gold FFA fundraiser fluer