Next Week is RED RIBBON WEEK! Join us Monday, October 24th - Thursday, October 27th for dress up days and activities to raise anti-drug awareness at Central Jr/Sr High School.
over 2 years ago, Jillian Henning
red ribbon week flyer
USD 462 Students, Staff, Families, & Community Patrons - Please take the time to complete this short survey prior to November 3, 2022 to help us assess our funding needs. Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III (ESSER III) funds are being provided under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, Public Law 117-2, enacted on March 11, 2021. We will submit an application for ESSER III funds to the Kansas State Department of Education which must include input from a variety of stakeholders on how best to prioritize use of these funds. Your input will impact how ESSER III funds are spent across the school district. Please take a few minutes to provide your feedback prior to Wednesday, November 3, 2022. Thank you in advance for your input, participation, and engagement in this process. Survey Link:
over 2 years ago, Rick Shaffer
Congratulations to the junior high volleyball team for their runner-up placing in the SCBL Volleyball Tournament. They hung their plaque at the end of today's awards ceremony!
over 2 years ago, Jillian Henning
Junior high volleyball hangs plaque
Junior high volleyball hangs plaque
The Central FFA team competed in Dairy Judging today at the Winfield fairgrounds. The team got 7th place out of 41 teams. Taylor Groene placed in the top 20 in 18th place. Well done Taylor G, Coda B, Chance B, Katie C, Grant H, Wyatt M, and Maddie B.
over 2 years ago, Jillian Henning
ffa dairy judging
ffa dairy cattle judging
ffa dairy judging
The Udall Volleyball SubState bracket is out for this Saturday. Central will play the second game of the day against Wichita Classical at approximately 2:00 pm. Good Luck Lady Raiders!
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
It was Pink Out night at the high school volleyball games tonight at Central. The Varsity girls lost two close games against Wichita Classical and Udall. It was also senior night. Thank you seniors for your hard work!
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
HS Team Sport pictures will be taken next Tuesday, October 25 starting at 3:00 pm. This is for cheer, volleyball, football, and cross country. The pictures will be taken by Stacey Lou Photography.
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
Congratulations to the Central JH VB team for their League Runner-Up finish tonight. The girls beat South Haven in the semi finals and lost to Argonia in the championship in a very close game. Great season girls!
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
Central Seniors attended the KACRAO sponsored College Planning Conference at Cowley College this morning. There were over 50 post secondary schools in attendance for the students to meet with to discuss programs they offer as well as answer any questions that they may have.
over 2 years ago, Alisha Miller
College Planning Conference
College Planning Conference
College Planning Conference
College Planning Conference
The boys cross country team celebrated their league championship today by giving Mr Braun a hair cut and hanging their league championship plaque. Good job boys!
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
Activity Update - October 17-22
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
Congratulations to the 4th grade Lady Raider volleyball team who just finished a perfect 14-0 season. They played in the league tournament today in Winfield. The girls went 4-0 on the day and beat Wellington, Oxford, South Sumner, and Udall. The girls are league champions.
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
The Central JH VB team played at West Elk today in the SCBL VB tournament. The girls went 3-1 on the day. They have qualified for the league championship night which will be at Central. 5:00 pm - Central vs South Haven & Argonia vs CVD 6:00 pm - Championship & 3rd Place Games
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
Central hosted Wichita Independent tonight. Lots of TD’s were scored but the Raiders came up short 48-66. It was a fun night having the youth football players help run the team out on the field.
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
youth fb
Due to the weather delay, there will not be a little spirit cheer performance. We will reschedule for another date.
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
It’s Senior Night at Central. Thank you seniors for your years of participation in football, cheer, band, and cross country.
over 2 years ago, Missy Atkins
USD 462 is Hiring!
over 2 years ago, Jillian Henning
bus driver hiring flyer
aide hiring poster
It's that time ! The Annual CJSHS Food Drive to benefit Joseph's Storehouse kicks off on Monday and will run from Oct. 17th - 27th. Students in grades 7-12 will work to block teacher's doors to earn a work free day in class on Halloween! There has been some strategy discussed for how to get this done, but student will probably need to enlist family help to get to the grocery story. Students may donate actual items (listed below) or cash towards the purchase of items. 22 items in 2022 will be required to block the door! Let's get this done, Raiders! Mrs. Wheeler - Spaghetti Sauce. Ms. LaBrue - Peanut Butter. Mrs. Atkins - Baking…brownies, cake, cookies, etc. Mr. Braun - Paper…kleenex, TP, paper towels. Mr. Denton - Pancake Mix & Syrup. Mrs. Ward - Canned Fruit. Mr. Lampert - Box/Bag foods (that don’t fit another category). Mr. Whitehill - Pasta. Mrs. Parsons - Soap…shampoo, bar soap, dish soap. Mrs. Burdette - Jelly. Mrs. Martin - Evaporated Milk. Mrs Liebau - Misc. Mr. Jones - Pudding/Jello. Mrs. Allred - Soup. Mr. Groene - Canned Vegetables.
over 2 years ago, Jillian Henning
stuco food drive kick off
food drive logo
The HS Cheerleaders cannot wait to see all of the Little Raiders at the Cheer Clinic today!! Please have your little at the high school at 4:30 p.m., the performance will be at halftime of the football game!! Provided shirts will be pink for the Pink Out game! (Please have your child wear black pants/shorts and tennis shoes.)
over 2 years ago, Alisha Miller
Cheer Clinic
Our Junior High students made some pretty sweet treats to celebrate the end of the 1st quarter on Thursday!
over 2 years ago, Jillian Henning
jh students baking
jh students baking