CJSHS Raider Family Weekly Update
upcoming events
Monday, October 10th
JH Eligibility mailed to families
WIN Time: Rise Time Family Groups. Leader in Me
ZAP Continues. Please have grades updated in Goedustar. Reminder 0x = don't refer to ZAP. A Zero (0) report will be pulled prior to 10:00 a.m. Notifications will be delivered to students & an email/phone call sent to students/guardian. To get signed out of ZAP, students will need to complete the assignment with full effort, fill out a green get out of ZAP form located at the office window, have the teacher sign the form, and then return it to the office.
Board of Education Meeting 6:00 p.m. CJSHS Conference Room
HS JV FB vs. Oxford @ Home 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 11th
Culinary Art Field Trip to Pawhuska 8:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
WIN Time: MTSS Reading Intervention Groups
ZAP Intervention 3:50 - 4:50 p.m. in the library
Wednesday, October 12th
FCA in Mrs. Atkin's Room 7:35 a.m.
Lifetouch School Picture Day - Storm Shelter. All students and staff much get picture taken.
PSAT Test @ Burden City Building - Juniors 8:30 a.m. - Noon
Future Finance @ Southwestern College - Sophomores 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
WIN Time: MTSS Reading Intervention Groups
ZAP Intervention 3:50 - 4:50 p.m. in the library
Thursday, October 13th
End of 1st Quarter
WIN Time 9:47a.m. - 6th-12th Pep Assembly in Gym - recognition of JH Fall Athletes and introduction of Food Drive
ZAP Intervention 3:50 - 4:50 p.m. in the library.
SCBL Cross Country @ Caldwell 4:00 p.m. Leave time 1:30 p.m.
JH VB vs Caldwell/South Haven @ Home 4:30 p.m.
JH FB vs Caldwell/South Haven @ Home 6:30 p.m.
JH Dance 7th-8th Grade Only. After football game until 10:00 p.m. CJSHS
Friday, October 14th
CJSHS Open Library / Friday School 9:00 a.m. - Noon. All 7th-12th grade students are welcome to attend. Students can get tutoring help on homework from a staff member, serve detentions, utilize the school wi-fi to complete missing assignments, etc.
Little Raider Cheer Clinic/Performance 4:30 p.m.
HS FB vs Indy @ Home 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, October 15th
JH SCBL VB Tournament @ West Elk 9:00 a.m. Leave time 7:30 a.m.
Looking Ahead
October 17th - 27th: CJSHS Food Drive
October 17th: KACRAO College Planning Conference @ Cowley- Seniors
October 17th - 20th: NO ZAP
October 19th: Work Keys Testing (juniors) at City Building 8:00 a.m. - Noon & Raider Work Ethic Lunch Speaker
October 26th: Sophomore's & Seniors Meeting with Josten's 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
October 31st: Food Drive Reward Day
November 2nd: ESSDACK Career Expo- 9th & 11th Grades
November 7th-17th: 2nd Quarter STAR360 Math & Reading Testing Window
school picture day is Wednesday, October 12th! all 7th-12th grade students and all staff will need to get their picture taken. prints can be ordered online through Lifetouch.
new central usd 462 app
Catch up with the latest student stories, events,
and news updates. It's everything Central USD #462, in your
pocket. If you haven't already, download the app!
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3dI3SFm
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3TkaZnS
updated: employment - open supplemental
At this time, the following supplemental positions for the 2022-23 school year are open to staff members and community patrons. Please print, complete, and return the supplemental position application attached below to the USD 462 district office or email it to mcalvin@usd462.org for consideration. If you have already completed a supplemental application and would like to add additional areas of position interest(s) to your current application, please email mcalvin@usd462.org. Deadline to apply is open until the position is filled unless otherwise stated.
HS Baseball Assistant Coach
Assistant Softball Coach
HS Boys Basketball Head Coach
HS Baseball Head Coach
USD 462 Supplemental Position Application.docx.pdf
845.2 KB
youth suicide prevention art contest - great job halie & emily!
raider community service in action |
jh facs totebags |
cjshs bullying/peer conflict reporting form
usd 462 district calendar link
october hot lunch menu. students/staff also have the option of a cold lunch (salad bar)
stay connected
In an effort to increase communication, you will receive a weekly email update in this manner. You can also expect to receive school reach calls and text messages throughout the school year and can find more information through our website and social media outlets. If you are not receiving school reach calls, please contact the school so we can update your information. Please don't hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year.
700 North Main Street, Burden, KS, USAjhenning@usd462.org620-438-2215usd462.org